The Patrons of Ramblers Carnival Club (The Patrons) are a group of people who wish to provide support to the club so as to enable it to achieve the highest standards of presentation possible at the annual carnival both on the road and on stage. The Patrons prime objective is to provide financial support to the club. Each Patron will agree to make a minimum donation of £50 annually for this purpose. This can be paid by cash, cheque or by standing order.

The Patrons will elect at its inaugural meeting a committee of no more then six of its members to manage its affairs. Until such time as an inaugural meeting can be arranged the affairs of the Patrons will be managed by a volunteer subcommittee made up of present club members, past members and VP's.

The Patrons Committee will operate separately from the club's main committee but will maintain a close contact with the main committee. Funds raised by the Patrons will be kept in 'Ramblers Patrons' bank account at Lloyds TSB Bank Bridgwater. The club will be able to access these finds as and when required. Funds released to the club will be used for specific purposes associated with preparations for each year's carnival.

A record will be maintained of donated by The Patrons and all money released to the club. A quarterly newsletter will keep Patrons updated on funds received through donations and how the money released to the club has been used. A statement of accounts will also be published annually and presented to The Patrons at an annual meeting.

Ways in which the club can demonstrate its appreciation of the role of The Patrons are being considered. These include displaying the names of The Patrons on a Roll of honour at the club's headquarters at the Bunch of Grapes, Bridgwater and presenting each Patron with a suitably designed lapel badge. It is hoped that as The Patrons become established that social activities including an annual reunion lunch and other activities etc can be introduced.

If you are interested in becoming a Patron then email me for further details and an application form.
